How to Utilize Thunderclap to Make Some Noise

If a Tweet falls in the forest, but no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound? In a 2011 article, CBS News reports that even if a Twitter user has 57k followers, less than 2% of people engage with their Tweets. The article successfully argues Twitter as a...

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Mobile Marketing Strategies for Your Business

If you haven’t incorporated mobile marketing strategies into your business' marketing, now is the time. As the use of cellphones (specifically, smartphones) continues to grow, it is increasingly important for small business owners to adopt mobile marketing practices....

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Social Customer Service

I read an article recently that said only 11% of people expect to receive customer service through social media. Since everyone and their grandma uses social media I found this statistic surprisingly low (as did the author of the article). By encouraging your...

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Social Media’s Real Use

Every social media site has a specific purpose for businesses that goes above and beyond the potential social benefits. An added perk, if you will. Each one is unique and individual and we're going to go through some of the bigger ones to help you understand the true...

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How to get a Facebook Like Box and more

Ever wondered where everybody gets their Facebook "Like Boxes", Tweet buttons, and +1 buttons? Well, every social media site has a "Developer's Workstation" (to borrow Facebook's terms) that contains all of the tools that they offer for web designers and site owners....

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The Power and Speed of Social Media

Let’s face it, social media runs the world. As this humorous video illustrates, social media and information sharing have overcome the speed of many of the disasters and occurrences that incite the use of such platforms. If there’s an earthquake several hundred miles...

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A competitive advantage with Twitter

While a large portion of businesses are getting online and joining the rush to Twitter, its important to do so with a strategy.  While coming up with a social media marketing plan is something that is very unique to every business, one aspect that is watched...

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