How We Develop for Multiple Browsers

There are 10 major versions of Internet explorer, 5 major versions of Firefox, 25+ major versions of Chrome and 5+ versions of Safari. That's just desktop versions. If you get into mobile browsers the picture gets even more convoluted. The market share for each story...

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Responsive Design vs Mobile Sites

Imagine you want a website done and you want it to be mobile-optimized. You have two firms who want to take different routes to make the site look good on mobile - one wants to build a mobile-optimized site and the other wants to build you a responsive site....

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Why Page Speed is So Important

Page performance is a big issue these days as websites become more and more graphic laden and we're faced with having to deal with retina images (can be up to 4X larger size). The longer a page takes to load, the less likely people are to stay on the site or even come...

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Protecting Your Images on the Internet

Protecting your images on the web has been a hotly debated topic since photographers and graphic artists started using the Internet many, many years ago. Some people try to protect against right-click, others smother obnoxious watermarks on their images, while still...

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Another New Google Tool: Copyright Notices

Google is now receiving more copyright removal notices than ever in their history - they receive more notices every day than they did in all of 2009 according to their official blog. With so much information at their fingertips, the next natural step in search engine...

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The next important design factor: Retinafying

Apple's recently placed a lot of emphasis on retina screens - screens that have 4X the resolution of past Apple screens. They're already used on all new iPhones, iPads, and MacBook Pros and are rumored to be coming to iMac desktops in about two months as well. The...

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Why You Need a Mobile-Friendly Site

28% of web usage happens from a mobile phone. This doesn't even count all of the tablets and chromebooks that are sold at rates exceeding those of desktops. 53% of adults with a smartphone used it to access the Internet. This means that if you have a website that...

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Google Just Got a Whole Lot Smarter

Google just announced a new intiative that will make your search results a whole lot smarter. They call it Knowledge Graph, and the idea behind it is that you will be able to see information about the person, place, or thing that you're searching instead of just a...

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