Boost Conversion Rates with Product Images

Did you know that 90% of information transmitted to the brain is visual, and visuals are processed 60,000X faster in the brain than text?* How about the fact that 40% of people will respond better to visual information than plain text?* It's no secret that people...

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Are JPEG’s a thing of the Past?

If it was up to Google's engineers, that may be the case. Last week week Google announced a new image file format titled "WebP". With approximately 65% of the the traffic over the web being from image files, the claimed 40% reduction in file size could cut down...

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Why Page Speed is So Important

Page performance is a big issue these days as websites become more and more graphic laden and we're faced with having to deal with retina images (can be up to 4X larger size). The longer a page takes to load, the less likely people are to stay on the site or even come...

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Protecting Your Images on the Internet

Protecting your images on the web has been a hotly debated topic since photographers and graphic artists started using the Internet many, many years ago. Some people try to protect against right-click, others smother obnoxious watermarks on their images, while still...

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The next important design factor: Retinafying

Apple's recently placed a lot of emphasis on retina screens - screens that have 4X the resolution of past Apple screens. They're already used on all new iPhones, iPads, and MacBook Pros and are rumored to be coming to iMac desktops in about two months as well. The...

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Website Accessibility

Website accessibility is the process of making your website viewable to everyone. This means text that can be read by Braille software for the blind, images and text that can scale larger for those who have a hard time seeing, and captions for videos for those who are...

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Tip: Clear Your Cache to Speed up Browsing

Every now and again, our browsers slow down to a crawl on almost every single website. You might think this is your Internet provider just slowing your connection down, but in fact, it's likely something on your own browser called the "cache". The cache stores lots of...

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Want to up your Google quality score? – Part 3

Today, we’re continuing our series on increasing your Google quality score through quality SEO. We’ve already discussed keywords and links and this time we’re going to talk about the importance of including enough text in your pages. Now, as we talked about yesterday,...

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