YouTube and Creative Commons License

About a month and a half ago, YouTube unveiled a new feature for video licensing that enabled users to mark their videos as Creative Commons Attribution. This allows other YouTube users to remix, dub, or otherwise alter the videos so long as the author attributers the...

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Have you checked out Google+ yet?

If you haven't you're missing out. While it's yet to be determined if it will be a success or a smashing failure, a recent study just unveiled that Google' newest social media platform is headed fast towards 10 million users. 2.2 million joined in the past 32-34 hours...

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The importance of measurable marketing

Marketing is a tricky thing. On one hand, the idea is to bring in more paying customers (or non-paying supporters) to your organization by spreading the word using one of a thousand methods of marketing. The problem is that most marketing methods aren't directly...

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Facebook Fan Pages

We've noticed a large amount of Facebook accounts setup for businesses as "personal profiles" and not "Fan Pages", so we thought we'd take a moment out to talk about the differences.  When you create a Facebook account for yourself, that is a personal profile.  Sure...

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A competitive advantage with Twitter

While a large portion of businesses are getting online and joining the rush to Twitter, its important to do so with a strategy.  While coming up with a social media marketing plan is something that is very unique to every business, one aspect that is watched...

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