Mobile Marketing Strategies for Your Business

If you haven’t incorporated mobile marketing strategies into your business' marketing, now is the time. As the use of cellphones (specifically, smartphones) continues to grow, it is increasingly important for small business owners to adopt mobile marketing practices....

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Designing for Print Vs. Digital

When you’re making that initial jump from print marketing materials to digital marketing materials, there are some key components to be aware of. Here are our top 3 design tips to guide you away from making your website look like a creative disaster: 1. Text Alignment...

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WordPress 3.7 (Basie) Changes

WordPress 3.7.1 has been released and the 3.7 release set (currently at 3.7.1) includes some great new features for WordPress customers. While maintaining your website on the most up-to-date release is a good security precaution, v3.7 brings three new features for end...

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Providing Equal Experiences Across Devices

We all know that it is important to have your site content accessible to visitors using mobile smart-devices. However, some web-sites and online services seem to overlook the importance of consistency in the quality of their web experience across devices. Here is a...

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How We Develop for Multiple Browsers

There are 10 major versions of Internet explorer, 5 major versions of Firefox, 25+ major versions of Chrome and 5+ versions of Safari. That's just desktop versions. If you get into mobile browsers the picture gets even more convoluted. The market share for each story...

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Protecting Your Images on the Internet

Protecting your images on the web has been a hotly debated topic since photographers and graphic artists started using the Internet many, many years ago. Some people try to protect against right-click, others smother obnoxious watermarks on their images, while still...

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Why You Need a Mobile-Friendly Site

28% of web usage happens from a mobile phone. This doesn't even count all of the tablets and chromebooks that are sold at rates exceeding those of desktops. 53% of adults with a smartphone used it to access the Internet. This means that if you have a website that...

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2 Clicks or Less

There’s a relatively new web design rule – 2 clicks or less. This rule states that if a user has clicked two times or more and has not found what they need, you’ve lost them as a visitor. The previous rule here related to “above-the-fold”, in other words, everything...

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