Create and Publish a Video

We all know that YouTube is massive. One oft he biggest ways that websites get noticed is by uploading or creating creative, fun, shocking, interesting, or downright weird videos. Setting up your own channel will allow users to subscribe to it, thus giving you more...

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Looking to generate some traffic to your site?

If your like most website owners/operators, you could use some more traffic. Not just any traffic, relevant traffic from potential customers or users.  One easy way to do this is to participate in forums on other websites that are relevant to your industry.  When...

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SEO – How much are you really paying?

The quick and easy way to get traffic to your website is to simply pay for it.  Today, a staple of any online marketing campaign includes Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising. Whether its to promote a new company launch, a new product or target potential buyers during peak...

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Advertising through Blogs

If you've got a website, chances are your trying to attract new visitors.  A traditional method outside of natural SEO is to use Google Adwords to help spur a spike in traffic.  A more affordable, complimentary strategy may be to advertise on local and regional...

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Many of our customers come to us looking to work with them on Google Adword campaigns.  While Adword campaigns provide great traffic, they are largely unsustainable in the long run as a primary source of traffic.  With common Fort Collins keywords going for $1-$10 a...

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Should you build an iPhone site?

With Apple’s iPhone rapid acceleration as the phone of choice for new consumers and business professionals, its clear there’s a market for these users.  In a report dated April 2009 by Admob, iPhones are now generating 43% of all mobile web page requests, compared to...

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