Mobile Marketing Strategies for Your Business

If you haven’t incorporated mobile marketing strategies into your business' marketing, now is the time. As the use of cellphones (specifically, smartphones) continues to grow, it is increasingly important for small business owners to adopt mobile marketing practices....

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Google To Warn Visitors Of Broken Mobile Sites

Many websites run a separate web site to serve up a dedicated mobile-friendly site to visitors on tablets and smartphones.  This has largely been replaced in most cases by responsive design (changing the site layout on the fly based on the visitors device).  For sites...

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Responsive Wrapper Backgrounds

When coding a site, it's common to have multiple facets and widths to various elements on the page - mainly a container elements for your content that floats in the middle of a page, and background elements that go full width behind your content, giving it added...

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Providing Equal Experiences Across Devices

We all know that it is important to have your site content accessible to visitors using mobile smart-devices. However, some web-sites and online services seem to overlook the importance of consistency in the quality of their web experience across devices. Here is a...

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How We Develop for Multiple Browsers

There are 10 major versions of Internet explorer, 5 major versions of Firefox, 25+ major versions of Chrome and 5+ versions of Safari. That's just desktop versions. If you get into mobile browsers the picture gets even more convoluted. The market share for each story...

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Responsive Design vs Mobile Sites

Imagine you want a website done and you want it to be mobile-optimized. You have two firms who want to take different routes to make the site look good on mobile - one wants to build a mobile-optimized site and the other wants to build you a responsive site....

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Mountain Lion Released for Mac

Apple released Mountain Lion - the newest OS for Mac compnuters - just yesterday and it's been getting collective positive reviews. The new OS is a mere $19.99 and you can share the license across your computers. As usual, there is a copia of new features - over 200 -...

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Why You Need a Mobile-Friendly Site

28% of web usage happens from a mobile phone. This doesn't even count all of the tablets and chromebooks that are sold at rates exceeding those of desktops. 53% of adults with a smartphone used it to access the Internet. This means that if you have a website that...

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