Website Accessibility

Website accessibility is the process of making your website viewable to everyone. This means text that can be read by Braille software for the blind, images and text that can scale larger for those who have a hard time seeing, and captions for videos for those who are...

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Google+ Pages are now live!

Ever since Google+ came to life, we've been wanting pages - a place for your company, band, or just about anything else that isn't a person. Well, they're here! You can now put your company on the social media site and it's brilliantly easy. You can either follow our...

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E-mail: how to deal with it.

We all deal with E-mail. Whether we're writing, reading, or deleting, e-mail is a regular hassle and can be extremely unproductive. Especially if you're a type of person that responds immediately to e-mail. Here are a few tips to help you deal with the daily deluge of...

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A Word About Links

If you read anything about Search Engine Optimization, one item you'll pick up very quickly is the need for link-backs to your website. Now, I think that's a theory that intuitively makes sense to most people, but have you ever really thought about why they're so...

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“Tiny” URLs

URLs (the long-form web address you physically type in to access a website) have gotten pretty long and bulky these days. If you want to direct a prospect to a specific web address, you often have to create long, unsightly links with a seemingly random array of...

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Looking to generate some traffic to your site?

If your like most website owners/operators, you could use some more traffic. Not just any traffic, relevant traffic from potential customers or users.  One easy way to do this is to participate in forums on other websites that are relevant to your industry.  When...

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Facebook Fan Pages

We've noticed a large amount of Facebook accounts setup for businesses as "personal profiles" and not "Fan Pages", so we thought we'd take a moment out to talk about the differences.  When you create a Facebook account for yourself, that is a personal profile.  Sure...

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