Responsive Wrapper Backgrounds

When coding a site, it's common to have multiple facets and widths to various elements on the page - mainly a container elements for your content that floats in the middle of a page, and background elements that go full width behind your content, giving it added...

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How to Create Responsive CSS Triangles

CSS3 triangles are great - they can be used to add a lot of spice to a design or elements that would other wise be flat and boring. However, they also come with one or two problems: mainly that borders don't accept percentages. SO, if you would like to add triangles...

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How Templating Saves You Time

One of the greatest things about WordPress is its templating power. You can install several base files and then an index.php file, and the whole site will autoload content, titles, images, and meta tags in through that one template. The benefit being that you can...

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The Cost of Free Plugins

As of today, there are 27,303 free plugins in the WordPress plugin repository. This isn't counting the thousands of plugins hosted elsewhere by authors who don't host their plugins with WordPress. Out of the 27,000 free plugins in the WP repository, I dare say that...

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Using Custom Post Types in WordPress

WordPress released the Custom Post Types option in Version 3.0 and since then it has become a favorite for WordPress developers whenever a piece of content doesn't fit neatly into the page or post  column. They are one of our favorite tools over here so I thought I'd...

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Are JPEG’s a thing of the Past?

If it was up to Google's engineers, that may be the case. Last week week Google announced a new image file format titled "WebP". With approximately 65% of the the traffic over the web being from image files, the claimed 40% reduction in file size could cut down...

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How We Develop for Multiple Browsers

There are 10 major versions of Internet explorer, 5 major versions of Firefox, 25+ major versions of Chrome and 5+ versions of Safari. That's just desktop versions. If you get into mobile browsers the picture gets even more convoluted. The market share for each story...

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The next important design factor: Retinafying

Apple's recently placed a lot of emphasis on retina screens - screens that have 4X the resolution of past Apple screens. They're already used on all new iPhones, iPads, and MacBook Pros and are rumored to be coming to iMac desktops in about two months as well. The...

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Why You Need a Mobile-Friendly Site

28% of web usage happens from a mobile phone. This doesn't even count all of the tablets and chromebooks that are sold at rates exceeding those of desktops. 53% of adults with a smartphone used it to access the Internet. This means that if you have a website that...

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