How to Create Responsive CSS Triangles

CSS3 triangles are great - they can be used to add a lot of spice to a design or elements that would other wise be flat and boring. However, they also come with one or two problems: mainly that borders don't accept percentages. SO, if you would like to add triangles...

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Designing Text that People Will… Read?

typography [tahy-pog-ruh-fee] n. 1. the art or process of printing with type. In our era of instant-streaming and cloud data storage... it seems crazy that anybody would choose to do some good ol' fashioned reading. However, effectively using typography can be a great...

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Designing a website with a Designer

I have designed a lot of websites over the years and worked with a lot of different companies in the process. One thing that has come up year after year is a client who has experienced a bad website design process with another firm. I often hear that the firm has been...

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The Process of Building a WordPress Site

WordPress has really taken the development world by storm in the last 5 or so years. It's grown from a relatively small blogging platform to one of the most versatile and easy to access content management software in the world. Its capabilities, flexibility,...

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Responsive Design vs Mobile Sites

Imagine you want a website done and you want it to be mobile-optimized. You have two firms who want to take different routes to make the site look good on mobile - one wants to build a mobile-optimized site and the other wants to build you a responsive site....

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The next important design factor: Retinafying

Apple's recently placed a lot of emphasis on retina screens - screens that have 4X the resolution of past Apple screens. They're already used on all new iPhones, iPads, and MacBook Pros and are rumored to be coming to iMac desktops in about two months as well. The...

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Google’s Newest Favorite Toy: UX

Google makes constant changes to their algorithms, as we've mentioned before they make over 500 changes a year. However, several changes have led to a new wave in ranking standards that was previously impossible: measuring user experience. User experience (UX) is a...

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