Mobile Marketing Strategies for Your Business

If you haven’t incorporated mobile marketing strategies into your business' marketing, now is the time. As the use of cellphones (specifically, smartphones) continues to grow, it is increasingly important for small business owners to adopt mobile marketing practices....

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Creating Marketing that Moves People

In marketing, the dreaded "talking heads" is used to reference a type of video where an individual is speaking directly to the camera without any b-roll or other elements that enhance the production. Here's an example of a talking head video that I watched three times...

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Should you have a test environment?

Many of our customers run highly customized versions of WordPress and also WooCommerce (an ecommerce plugin for WordPress).  As customers enjoy their sites, plugins are routinely updated with bug fixes, new functionality and other changes.  Some of these plugins can...

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Moving To The Cloud

Running your business a business is usually more than a full time job and that is why our clients depend on us to provide robust, scalable and secure solutions for them.  On September 13, 2013 Northern Colorado suffered terribly with the flooding of the Big Thompson...

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Social Customer Service

I read an article recently that said only 11% of people expect to receive customer service through social media. Since everyone and their grandma uses social media I found this statistic surprisingly low (as did the author of the article). By encouraging your...

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Protecting Your Images on the Internet

Protecting your images on the web has been a hotly debated topic since photographers and graphic artists started using the Internet many, many years ago. Some people try to protect against right-click, others smother obnoxious watermarks on their images, while still...

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Navigability: the key to conversion

Navigability: capable of being steered or guided... The navigability of your site is essential to your conversion rate. If customers can't find your product, they can't buy it. If it takes too many clicks to get to your product, they won't buy it. If they don't like...

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