How to Utilize Thunderclap to Make Some Noise

If a Tweet falls in the forest, but no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound? In a 2011 article, CBS News reports that even if a Twitter user has 57k followers, less than 2% of people engage with their Tweets. The article successfully argues Twitter as a...

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Legally Build Your Brand on Pinterest

What is Pinterest? According to “Pinterest is a social media website that allows users to organize and share images and videos from around the Web. Images uploaded by users are called Pins and may be organized into pinboards, which may be customized,...

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Facebook Announces Ad Preferences

In a newsroom post this morning, Facebook announces a new Ad Preferences feature for users. The social media website is also narrowing in on targeted advertisements by collecting web browser history from users. In the past, Facebook mostly collected information about...

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4 Tips to Successful Event Marketing

Today is the day. The event you have spent so many months planning is finally here. It is your creation, your baby, and it has caused you many sleepless nights and overtime hours. You excitedly roll out of bed the morning of, eager to witness your hard work pay off in...

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Marketing to Focus on in 2014

Welcome to 2014 from Old Town Media! The New Year is a time for “new”… it brings new ideas and a newfound drive to achieve more over the 12 months that will follow. It can be extremely refreshing, but it can also be overwhelming. Here to help, these are our top picks...

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Social Customer Service

I read an article recently that said only 11% of people expect to receive customer service through social media. Since everyone and their grandma uses social media I found this statistic surprisingly low (as did the author of the article). By encouraging your...

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A Few Words About Social Media Marketing

Here are a few words... it isn't mass media marketing. Now here's a rant: If you haven't been living under a rock (a rock without 3G coverage), you are probably aware of the power of social media marketing. Essentially, the reason social media is such a powerful...

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Social Media’s Real Use

Every social media site has a specific purpose for businesses that goes above and beyond the potential social benefits. An added perk, if you will. Each one is unique and individual and we're going to go through some of the bigger ones to help you understand the true...

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