The Power of Remarketing

Any marketer knows that it's far easier to keep an existing customer than create a new one. Remarketing is all about capitalizing on this principle. But what exactly is remarketing? Put simply, remarketing is the practice of segmenting consumers based on how they have...

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The Decision Making Process – Purchase

That's right, we're in the 4th part of a 5-part series talking about the consumer decision making process and especially the web-based side of the equation. Decision Making Process: Need recognition Information search Alternative evaluation Choice (or purchase)...

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Reviews Can Kill Your Business… Or Save it

Most local business take online views for granted. They don't monitor them, never respond to them or respond angrily, or don't even know that people are talking about them. However, customers these days do know they exist, do seek them out, and do change their...

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Patent System – Good or Bad for Innovation?

There has been a lot of buzz that last couple of weeks surrounding patents and the fervor and attitudes that they create within multi-billion dollar organizations. It, again, brings up a very interesting question and moral dilemma: are patents good or bad for our...

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