Mobile Marketing Strategies for Your Business

If you haven’t incorporated mobile marketing strategies into your business' marketing, now is the time. As the use of cellphones (specifically, smartphones) continues to grow, it is increasingly important for small business owners to adopt mobile marketing practices....

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You are Not Your Target Audience

There's one thing that I constantly have to remind clients... YOU are NOT your TARGET AUDIENCE. What does that mean? It means that when you're determining how to market your business, product or service, you may have to step outside of the box in order to...

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The Relationship Between Sales and Success

There’s a very strong correlation between the ability to sell and a business' success. You can have the perfect product or service, the most expensive and effective marketing campaign, but if you can’t sell you’re going to struggle. The president of UnderArmour...

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Boost Conversion Rates with Product Images

Did you know that 90% of information transmitted to the brain is visual, and visuals are processed 60,000X faster in the brain than text?* How about the fact that 40% of people will respond better to visual information than plain text?* It's no secret that people...

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The Power of Remarketing

Any marketer knows that it's far easier to keep an existing customer than create a new one. Remarketing is all about capitalizing on this principle. But what exactly is remarketing? Put simply, remarketing is the practice of segmenting consumers based on how they have...

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Heinz Ketchup Bottles Design

Why is the bottle transparent? Prior to the Pure Food and Drug Act of 1906 ketchup was especially difficult to produce for a long term use. The tomatoes had a very short season and would spoil very quickly. Heinz was able to produce a product that was preservative...

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Navigability: the key to conversion

Navigability: capable of being steered or guided... The navigability of your site is essential to your conversion rate. If customers can't find your product, they can't buy it. If it takes too many clicks to get to your product, they won't buy it. If they don't like...

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How do you support your product?

Whether your product is a piece of software, or a manufactured, physical product, it needs some kind of support. Rather, the people who use it need support. A good portion of companies view support as a burden, rather than a service. Fully engaging your customers and...

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