The Importance of Clean Data

With the addition of powerful import tools within common ecommerce platforms, more and more customers are able to import their products easily on the fly from 3rd party systems like Quickbooks , CSV/Excel or point of sale systems. Depending on the system that you are...

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The Intern is Back

A quick clarification: Regardless of what Dave's most recent post may have implied... I still work here. And now that fall classes have begun, I am learning from all angles. So the topic of this week's blog is... Databases Why you might want one? It is all too common...

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Designing Text that People Will… Read?

typography [tahy-pog-ruh-fee] n. 1. the art or process of printing with type. In our era of instant-streaming and cloud data storage... it seems crazy that anybody would choose to do some good ol' fashioned reading. However, effectively using typography can be a great...

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The Beauty of Compressed Folders

All computers have a tool that makes sending multiplte files incredibly easy and convenient. It's called compressed (or zipped) folders. Compressed folders allow you to send multiple, large documents conveniently and quickly over email or any other file sending...

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Google AdWords redesigns

Google AdWords recently pushed out an update that looks absolutely fantastic. The update makes the whole experience more clear and easier to navigate. The updated color scheme and larger navigation help make the site easier to swallow and easier to find what you're...

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Do You Read Your Statistics?

If you don't, then you need to start. Analytics (or statistics) are the single most important source of information from your website that is available without spending thousands on focus groups, heat map testing, etc. Even companies who can afford the latter options...

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Tip: Clear Your Cache to Speed up Browsing

Every now and again, our browsers slow down to a crawl on almost every single website. You might think this is your Internet provider just slowing your connection down, but in fact, it's likely something on your own browser called the "cache". The cache stores lots of...

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Facebook is keeping your deleted information

In a recent case, an Austrian law student requested a copy of all of his data on Facebook (friends, posts, chat logs, etc) and found that Facebook had retained much of the data that he had deleted in the past. That means that it’s very likely that what you put on...

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