There’s a very strong correlation between the ability to sell and a business' success. You can have the perfect product or service, the most expensive and effective marketing campaign, but if you can’t sell you’re going to struggle. The president of UnderArmour...
Brainstorming / Idea Generation Lair
(A.K.A. Conference Room) Albert Einstein once said, "If you always do what you always did, you will always get what you always got." An original and highly-functional website is one of the most powerful tools your company can have. So group-brainstorming is a crucial...
Logos with Hidden Meanings
Check out the new Wendy's logo. They have designed it with some subliminal messaging that we find interesting as designers. Everyone loves their mom's home cooked meals. In knowing that, Wendy's has found a way to add the word 'mom' into their logo that you wouldn't...
Two Simple Tips for Developing your Google AdWords Campaign
By using Google AdWords, you can pay to artificially boost your SEO success, and ultimately increase your web-traffic. However, a great AdWords campaign requires patience, tinkering, and maintenance in order to be successful. Here are some tips to ensure that your...
Idea Execution Audit – How Creatives Work
BeHance Network is famous for its work with helping creatives to simply get the work done and get it to market. The company is run by Scott Belsky, who wrote one of our favorite books of all time - Making Ideas Happen. This year, they performed the "Idea Execution...
Be Proud of Your Company’s Flaws
Trend Watching is one of our favorite blogs over here at Old Town, and their latest blog is all about admitting and being proud of your flaws as a company. Research has shown that even serious flaws can boost a consumer's opinion of your brand if it's admitted and...
A Little Design Goes a Long Way
I recently received an email newsletter from a company that I was interested in following in pure text format. No photos, no signatures. no graphics, and absolutely no reason to read it. Now, I am interested in finding out more about this company and the surely...
Google’s New Privacy Policy
Google updated it's privacy policy yesterday, with some pretty big hints at where the company is going next. The best thing about the new policy is that it's all consolidated into one document, instead of 70 different ones spanning across all of it's products. This...
Why You Need to Respond to Every Social Media Comment
A recent study by Conversocial asked consumers what they would feel about a company who ignored their requests or comments on Facebook or Twitter. As you can see below, a minority didn't care, but almost all consumers would feel put off by being ignored or seeing...
Who’s Your Linchpin?
Everyone has one. Every company and every person has one in their life, and everyone needs them. That's why they're the linchpin. Most people are afraid of having a linchpin, of putting control into another individual. However, without linchpins, your company is...