By using Google AdWords, you can pay to artificially boost your SEO success, and ultimately increase your web-traffic. However, a great AdWords campaign requires patience, tinkering, and maintenance in order to be successful. Here are some tips to ensure that your AdWord’s campaign will be effective.
Organization is Key!
Google allows you to structure your AdWords campaign using categories called AdGroups. Each AdGroup can have it’s own advertisements and keyword list. When you are developing your campaign, it is crucial that you create effective AdGroups. Having more AdGroups allows you to be more specific in each ad, and reach a more narrowed. More specific ads are more personal, and generate higher click-through-rates. A good place to start is creating an AdGroup for each of the distinct products or services your company provides. If an ad is too general, chances are it will not be able to compete with top organic search results.
What makes a good keyword?
The keywords you attach to your AdWords AdGroups are ultimately what determine your campaign’s success. By anticipating the search terms that will be used by your different target markets, you can increase your chances of making impressions on them with your ads. For example, let’s say your company is a store that sells high-end road bikes. Some of your customers may be expert cyclists and include in their search their desired brand, model, etc. On the other hand, first-time buyers may not be familiar with the branding and jargon of your industry, and search something general like, “buying your first road bike”. Understanding the search habits of your various target consumers will allow you to reach a larger relevant audience with your ads.
So don’t let your pay-per-click ad campaign go to waste! Think like your customers when you develop your AdWords structure and keyword lists.