By using Google AdWords, you can pay to artificially boost your SEO success, and ultimately increase your web-traffic. However, a great AdWords campaign requires patience, tinkering, and maintenance in order to be successful. Here are some tips to ensure that your...
Is complex the answer to ad bombardment?
It's no secret that, as time goes on, consumers and prospects grow more and more impervious to advertisements. Search ads, banner ads, Facebook ads, even billboards, highway signs, and yards signs have or are becoming a more difficult medium to use to reach customers....
Facebook for Your Business
With the explosion of social networking these days, Facebook provides a wonderful opportunity to expand business. It’s easy to use on many levels, and gives you a great chance to connect with business partners and potential clients or customers. Begin by making a page...
SEO – How much are you really paying?
The quick and easy way to get traffic to your website is to simply pay for it. Today, a staple of any online marketing campaign includes Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising. Whether its to promote a new company launch, a new product or target potential buyers during peak...