Setting Up 2 Factor Authentication With Google

If your using WordPress to manage your site, you’ve got an additional layer of security that can be implemented for login security and that is to use whats called 2 factor authentication. Basically this combines your username and password (first factor) with your...

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Is Your Hosting Provider Slowing You Down?

Choosing a quality hosting provider has gotten a bit more complex lately.  Hosting providers are adjusting their per-server loads to handle more robust websites built on frameworks such as WordPress and Drupal and that is cutting down the amount of websites they can...

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Why We Don’t Use Jetpack

If you've used WordPress for any amount of time, you've no doubt heard of a plugin called Jetpack. This plugin is Automattic's go-to plugin for all of the functionality that they choose not to bundle within WordPress core. It has a lot of useful functionality such as...

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Responsive Wrapper Backgrounds

When coding a site, it's common to have multiple facets and widths to various elements on the page - mainly a container elements for your content that floats in the middle of a page, and background elements that go full width behind your content, giving it added...

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WordPress 3.8

WordPress has been releasing major versions much more regularly lately - and this December saw the release of WP 3.8 "Parker". This update was a cosmetic one and didn't include any function updates or deprecate any functions so it's a relatively safe update for...

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WordPress 3.7 (Basie) Changes

WordPress 3.7.1 has been released and the 3.7 release set (currently at 3.7.1) includes some great new features for WordPress customers. While maintaining your website on the most up-to-date release is a good security precaution, v3.7 brings three new features for end...

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How Templating Saves You Time

One of the greatest things about WordPress is its templating power. You can install several base files and then an index.php file, and the whole site will autoload content, titles, images, and meta tags in through that one template. The benefit being that you can...

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The Cost of Free Plugins

As of today, there are 27,303 free plugins in the WordPress plugin repository. This isn't counting the thousands of plugins hosted elsewhere by authors who don't host their plugins with WordPress. Out of the 27,000 free plugins in the WP repository, I dare say that...

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Using Custom Post Types in WordPress

WordPress released the Custom Post Types option in Version 3.0 and since then it has become a favorite for WordPress developers whenever a piece of content doesn't fit neatly into the page or post  column. They are one of our favorite tools over here so I thought I'd...

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