Setting Up 2 Factor Authentication With Google

If your using WordPress to manage your site, you’ve got an additional layer of security that can be implemented for login security and that is to use whats called 2 factor authentication. Basically this combines your username and password (first factor) with your...

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How to Fix Your Infected Site

Most people only consider malware and viruses to be a local issue that their antivirus software can easily handle and take care of. Unfortunately, if you own a website it can severely effect your website and search results as well. As Google is in the habit of doing,...

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Google Algorithm Update – Algo

About two weeks ago, Google released an update to their algorithm referred to as Algo. This update targeted Exact Match Domains (EMDs) who's content wasn't a good enough fit for the keyword. For example, let's say that you owned "", but your website was...

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Add Authorship Info to Boost Your Google CTR

One of the most useful parts of Google's new Rich Snippet system is called Authorship information. This particular snippet of information adds information about yourself as an author and gives your Google listings a significant visual boost in an otherwise boring list...

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Google’s Rich Snippets

Google has just begun integrating a useful new feature called rich snippets into their search results. These snippets of code allow you to specify certain characteristics about your company, business. people, products, and/or places that the search engine's bot...

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Another New Google Tool: Copyright Notices

Google is now receiving more copyright removal notices than ever in their history - they receive more notices every day than they did in all of 2009 according to their official blog. With so much information at their fingertips, the next natural step in search engine...

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Google’s Newest Favorite Toy: UX

Google makes constant changes to their algorithms, as we've mentioned before they make over 500 changes a year. However, several changes have led to a new wave in ranking standards that was previously impossible: measuring user experience. User experience (UX) is a...

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