When coding a site, it's common to have multiple facets and widths to various elements on the page - mainly a container elements for your content that floats in the middle of a page, and background elements that go full width behind your content, giving it added...
How to Create Responsive CSS Triangles
CSS3 triangles are great - they can be used to add a lot of spice to a design or elements that would other wise be flat and boring. However, they also come with one or two problems: mainly that borders don't accept percentages. SO, if you would like to add triangles...
Content Management Systems & the Need for Professional Developers
With the advancements made to content management systems (CMS's) over the past few years, we have began to notice that there has been a change in the perception of web development. In the past, the only way to modify and edit content on a website was to literally make...
How to Speed Up Your WordPress Site
While we were building our new site, we noticed that the site got slower and slower as we added the necessary functionality. This is a common problem with Wordpress because the more you tap into it's true potential and begin adding plugins, custom post types, page...
Add Authorship Info to Boost Your Google CTR
One of the most useful parts of Google's new Rich Snippet system is called Authorship information. This particular snippet of information adds information about yourself as an author and gives your Google listings a significant visual boost in an otherwise boring list...