Providing Equal Experiences Across Devices

We all know that it is important to have your site content accessible to visitors using mobile smart-devices. However, some web-sites and online services seem to overlook the importance of consistency in the quality of their web experience across devices. Here is a...

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Hate getting junkmail? Stop it with this app!

Do you hate getting those wasteful credit card offers that fill up your mailbox and waset sheets and sheets of paper? Now you can stop them in a rather creative way - PaperKarma. All you have to do with this simple app is enter your information once, and then snap a...

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Productivity App: Wunderlist and Wunderkit

6Wunderkinder does stuff right. They have had the amazing task management app Wunderlist around for several years now and they've just now come out with an overarching app called Wunderkit. Wunderkit takes the best of Wunderlist, and adds two apps and makes it easier...

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Dropbox – managing your files remotely

Picture me this: You're working hard on a project at the office, but you get pulled out to an off-site meeting. You have to arrive early at the site to ensure you don't get stuck in traffic or some other issue, yet the meeting won't start for another half-hour. You'd...

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