The Value of B2B Content Marketing

The B2B customer journey is far from linear; it’s a complex web of touchpoints that can span months or even years. Unlike B2C, where purchasing decisions are often quick and straightforward, B2B sales cycles are long and involve multiple stakeholders. This is where content marketing shines, guiding prospects through every stage of the marketing funnel and helping businesses stay top-of-mind. 

The Purpose of B2B Content Marketing

Content marketing in B2B is about providing valuable, relevant content to your target audience, establishing your brand as a thought leader, and nurturing leads through the sales funnel. According to Forbes, 90% of marketers include content in their marketing strategies, and 74% of companies report that content marketing increases lead generation. Additionally, data compiled by SEMrushconcluded that 58% of B2B marketers reported increased sales and revenue in 2023, thanks to content marketing.

But why is content marketing so effective in B2B? The answer lies in the nature of the B2B customer journey. B2B buyers are typically looking for solutions to complex problems, and they often need a lot of information before making a decision. Content marketing provides the educational resources they need to understand their options, compare solutions, and ultimately choose your product or service.

Types of Content in B2B Marketing

A robust B2B content marketing strategy includes a variety of content types, each serving a specific purpose and stage in the customer journey. Here are some of the most effective forms of content in B2B:

Blogs and Articles

These are the backbone of most content marketing strategies. They help attract organic traffic, establish your brand’s expertise, and provide valuable information to prospects at the top of the funnel.

Case Studies

Case studies offer proof of your product or service’s effectiveness by showcasing real-world results. They’re particularly powerful in the middle and bottom of the funnel, helping to build trust and convince prospects that your solution is the right choice.

White Papers and eBooks

These in-depth pieces of content are excellent for educating your audience on complex topics. They’re often gated, meaning prospects must provide their contact information to access them, making them a great lead generation tool.


Video content is increasingly popular, with 89% of customers wanting to see more videos from brands in 2024. Videos can explain concepts quickly and engage viewers more effectively than text alone.


Podcasts are a great way to reach busy professionals who prefer to consume content on the go. They can help you build a loyal following and position your brand as a thought leader in your industry.


These visual representations of data or processes can simplify complex information, making it more digestible for your audience. They’re great for sharing on social media or as supplementary content in blogs and articles.

Content Marketing Across the B2B Customer Journey

The B2B customer journey isn’t a straight line from awareness to purchase. Instead, it’s a winding path with multiple touchpoints. A multi-touch, full-funnel approach is essential to meet your buyers where they are and guide them towards a purchase.

A funnel-shaped diagram with four layers representing stages of a customer journey: Awareness (top layer, dark grey), Consideration (second layer, light blue), Conversion (third layer, teal), and Retention (bottom layer, yellow).

A funnel-shaped diagram with four layers representing stages of a customer journey: Awareness (top layer, dark grey), Consideration (second layer, light blue), Conversion (third layer, teal), and Retention (bottom layer, yellow).


At the top of the funnel, the goal is to attract and educate. Content like blogs, articles, and infographics are effective here. They help prospects identify their problems and begin to explore potential solutions. For example, a blog post on “The Importance of B2B Content Marketing in 2024” can attract leads who are just starting to consider their marketing strategy.


In the middle of the funnel, prospects are evaluating their options. This is where case studies, whitepapers, and eBooks come into play. These pieces of content provide detailed information that helps prospects compare your solution to others in the market. For instance, a case study on how your company helped a similar business improve its lead generation can tip the scales in your favor.


Near the bottom of the funnel, the focus shifts to conversion. Here, content like product demos, webinars, and consultations are most effective. These assets provide the final push needed to turn prospects into customers. At OTM, we’ve seen how a well-timed consultation request form, following months of engagement with our content, can convert a lead into a sales-qualified lead (SQL).


Retention is one level of the marketing funnel that is often overlooked, as conversion tends to be the goal for many businesses. However, it’s important to nurture current relationships with clients or customers by providing quality content to help retain their business and build rapport. This could include content like video tutorials and blogs to help educate the audience and help make the most of their purchase.

A Real World Example

The B2B customer journey is NOT a straight line. A recent experience at OTM illustrates this perfectly.
We tracked a lead’s journey, from following us on LinkedIn to engaging with our newsletters, searching for us organically on Google, downloading a PDF, and finally filling out a consultation request form. It’s not as simple as advertising your business and receiving leads. This multi-touch journey is why the full marketing funnel matters!

A marketing funnel diagram labeled

Make the Most of Your Content Marketing

At OTM, we’re committed to helping businesses develop and execute content marketing strategies that deliver results. If you’re ready to elevate your B2B marketing, take a look at our Inbound Marketing Services and get in touch for a free consultation. Let’s turn your content into a powerful tool for growth.