Protecting Your Images on the Internet

Protecting your images on the web has been a hotly debated topic since photographers and graphic artists started using the Internet many, many years ago. Some people try to protect against right-click, others smother obnoxious watermarks on their images, while still...

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Google’s New Privacy Policy

Google updated it's privacy policy yesterday, with some pretty big hints at where the company is going next. The best thing about the new policy is that it's all consolidated into one document, instead of 70 different ones spanning across all of it's products. This...

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Facebook is keeping your deleted information

In a recent case, an Austrian law student requested a copy of all of his data on Facebook (friends, posts, chat logs, etc) and found that Facebook had retained much of the data that he had deleted in the past. That means that it’s very likely that what you put on...

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Newsletter Tips Part Two

Focus on list quality over list size Growing your mailing list is important, but don’t do it at the expense of quality. While it may look impressive to have a large list, quality names should be your highest priority. Make sure your company has defined its target...

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Top 10 Passwords exposed

-Pulled from The (Full story here)   The recent hack of the website RockYou exposed around 32 million user passwords, which data security firm Imperva has analyzed to create a list of the worst passwords. Want to know what terms to avoid? Here...

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