Idea Execution Audit – How Creatives Work

BeHance Network is famous for its work with helping creatives to simply get the work done and get it to market. The company is run by Scott Belsky, who wrote one of our favorite books of all time - Making Ideas Happen. This year, they performed the "Idea Execution...

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Patent System – Good or Bad for Innovation?

There has been a lot of buzz that last couple of weeks surrounding patents and the fervor and attitudes that they create within multi-billion dollar organizations. It, again, brings up a very interesting question and moral dilemma: are patents good or bad for our...

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YouTube and Creative Commons License

About a month and a half ago, YouTube unveiled a new feature for video licensing that enabled users to mark their videos as Creative Commons Attribution. This allows other YouTube users to remix, dub, or otherwise alter the videos so long as the author attributers the...

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