Why Every B2B Founder Needs a Personal Brand on LinkedIn

person looking at their personal linkedin profile on a laptop

In today’s business world, the lines between personal and professional brands are blurrier than ever. If you’re a founder, your personal brand isn’t just an extension of your company—it’s an essential asset for driving growth, building trust, and creating meaningful connections.

LinkedIn is the world’s largest professional networking platform. If you aren’t considering it a tool yet, you might be missing out on unlocking new opportunities and taking your business to the next level.

Do Founders Need to Be on LinkedIn?

As a founder, your name and reputation carry weight. When people think of your company, they think of you. Your personal brand can shape the way people perceive your business. A strong personal presence on LinkedIn positions you as a thought leader, builds trust, and opens doors to partnerships, new clients, and other opportunities.

Here’s Why This Matters:

Trust and Credibility: In B2B, trust is everything. In fact, 77% of consumers are more likely to purchase from a company if its founder has a strong social media presence. When you share your expertise, insights, and vision on LinkedIn, you’re doing more than promoting your business—you’re building trust.

Building Authentic Connections: Personal branding isn’t about self-promotion; it’s about connecting on a human level. LinkedIn is a platform where people seek out expertise, share insights, and have meaningful conversations. By engaging with your network—whether through thoughtful articles, insightful comments, or shared experiences—you position yourself as a valuable resource in your industry while building genuine connections.

Amplifying Your Company’s Message: Your personal brand is a powerful amplifier for your company’s message. When you, as a founder, actively share content that aligns with your company’s goals and values, you’re reinforcing your brand’s mission and vision.

Reduce Friction in Your Sales Process: 73% of buyers express greater interest in sales professionals who initiate contact with them through LinkedIn. At the end of the day, people want to work with people, not businesses. By building a reputation on LinkedIn and making those connections earlier on in the customer journey, you are warming up potential customers outside of the sales pitch.

How a Strong Personal Brand on LinkedIn Drives Business Growth

At OTM, we understand that a founder’s personal brand can be a game-changer for B2B growth. Here’s how building your personal brand on LinkedIn can help scale your business: 

1. Establishing Thought Leadership: A strong LinkedIn presence helps you establish yourself as a thought leader in your industry. By consistently sharing valuable content—such as insights on industry trends, reflections on your entrepreneurial journey, or thought-provoking articles—you build a reputation as a knowledgeable and forward-thinking leader. This positions your company as a credible and innovative player, which can attract high-quality leads and partnerships.

2. Driving Engagement and Visibility: Content shared by individuals, especially founders, tends to perform better than content shared by companies. Employee-shared content receives eight times more engagement than brand-shared content. As a founder, your personal posts, comments, and interactions are more likely to be noticed and shared, boosting your company’s visibility and reach. This organic engagement can lead to stronger brand recognition and a more substantial online presence.

3. Humanizing Your Brand: People connect with people, not just companies. By sharing your story, your challenges, and your successes, you make your business more relatable and accessible. This personal connection can lead to higher customer loyalty, more referrals, and a more substantial overall brand reputation. When potential customers feel they know you, they’re more likely to trust your company and become loyal advocates.

How Often Should You Post on LinkedIn?

Consistency is crucial when building a personal brand. Aim to post at least 3-5 times per week to maintain visibility and engagement. However, remember that building a brand takes time—patience is key. Don’t expect immediate results; instead, focus on consistently providing value and engaging with your audience.

What Should You Post on LinkedIn?

To build a compelling personal brand, diversify your content. Here are some ideas:

  • Industry Insights and Trends: Share your perspective on what’s happening in your industry. This positions you as a thought leader and someone who understands the market.
  • Company Milestones and Success Stories: Highlight your company’s achievements, product launches, or customer success stories. This showcases your business’s impact and growth.
  • Personal Reflections and Lessons Learned: Share stories from your journey as a founder—both successes and setbacks. This humanizes you and makes your brand relatable.
  • Interactive Content: Engage your audience with polls, questions, or calls to action. Invite them to share their opinions or experiences, fostering a sense of community around your brand.
  • Video Updates: Video content tends to perform well on LinkedIn, and research shows that a video post is 20 times more likely to get a re-share than any other post type. Use videos to share quick updates, insights, or behind-the-scenes looks at your company.
  • Repurpose Articles: If you have written long-form content like articles or blogs, take that content and share pieces of this information with your LinkedIn audience. This is a great strategy for not only expanding the reach of your content but it’s also an efficient way to repurpose high-value content throughout the year.

The Strategic Advantage of a Strong Personal Brand for Founders

As a founder, your personal brand is one of your most valuable assets. It builds trust, drives engagement, and aligns with your company’s growth objectives. A strong personal presence on LinkedIn helps you connect with potential customers, partners, and industry peers on a deeper level. It positions you as a thought leader and an influential figure who leads with insight and authenticity.
If you are a B2B leader, don’t miss out on our other founder-series blogs developed to help you scale your business: