Building lasting relationships with our clients is our goal here at OTM. In order to develop these relationships, we spend considerable time understanding our client’s service, product offering, the unique value they bring to their customers and how they operate and manage their daily operations. This process takes some time but it creates the foundational knowledge for the next step.
Understanding the Client’s Customers
With a thorough understanding of how our client operates, we then move to our client’s customers. Our clients serve a group of people in some way at the end of the day and these customers all have a need to be filled. We have to determine how our client fills this need. We also have to understand who the competitors are from the customer’s perspective, and what the hurdles are that the customer must go through to purchase, subscribe or otherwise engage with our client.
For example, if you took a medical group and marketed them, its a simple concept up front. They provide medical services to people in need of those services. Campaigns could be developed around promoting these services through pay-per-click, billboards, radio, websites, and other means.
Focus on the Entire Customer Experience
What’s missing from this? Two-thirds of the customer’s engagement is not with the provider/doctor/surgeon, it is with the facility and its staff! The average patient visit with a specialist is between 6 and 15 minutes. The average time a customer is “at the doctor” is closer to 45 minutes. So we have somewhere between 30 and 39 minutes to manage that customer’s expectation of the service. The bulk of the customer’s time is spent in the waiting room, going through the check-in process, completing a check-out process and paying for the visit.
So, to take a step back, a better approach would be to develop campaigns that build upon each other to create a better overall customer experience. With hundreds of tools at the client and OTM’s disposal, it’s important we that we use the right tools at the right time to create that experience.
It’s through this upfront process of truly understanding our customer that OTM can best craft effective campaigns for our clients. Taking the time to go through this process is what sets the stage for everything else!