Our Website Process: Part 2


Phase 2: Client gives Old Town Media signed project agreement and deposit

Here are some key things to be aware of in the project agreement for any website project with any company:

  • Ownership of Files: In our agreement, it clearly states that you, the client, owns all site files once the site is done and paid for. This is very important.
  • Timeline: We always give a detailed project timeline of rough dates to keep the project on task.  An important thing to note about the project timeline is that those dates creep up quickly and you be ready to invest the time necessary to get the project completed. Please note that if you, the client, misses a due date the overall project timeline adjusts to that new date. The project does not continue on the same timeline if a due date is missed on either side.
  • Fees: In our project agreement, 50% of payment is due before work begins and the remaining balance is due before the site files are put live. People often ask why they would pay without having the finished project. To give an example: It would be like you, the client, driving off of the car lot with the brand new car and mailing a check in good faith.
  • Termination: If for some reason the project does not go as planned, either party can always terminate the project at any time.