Unlocking Efficiency with the Entrepreneurial Operating System (EOS)

At OTM, we #RunOnEOS and we believe that every business needs a framework for streamlining operations, enhancing client satisfaction, and driving growth.

EOS, the Entrepreneurial Operating System®, is a complete set of simple concepts and practical tools that has helped thousands of entrepreneurs around the world get what they want from their businesses – including ours – and that’s why we want to share it with you!

person on a laptop

Who can benefit from EOS?

  • Business Owners
  • CEOs and Executives of Small to Mid-Sized Businesses (especially professional services firms like ours)
  • Operations and HR Managers
  • Entrepreneurs Seeking Operational Excellence

Why choose to run on EOS?

The Entrepreneurial Operating System is uniquely positioned to tackle common pain points experienced by small to medium-sized businesses, especially those in the world of professional services.

Challenges such as:

  • Lack of clear vision
  • Misaligned team objectives
  • Inefficient processes
  • Inconsistent client delivery

These pain points are effectively addressed through EOS’s holistic framework. By implementing its core components—Vision, People, Data, Issues, Process, and Traction—EOS empowers business leaders to clarify their direction, optimize operations, and ensure that everyone is moving in unison toward shared goals, thereby enhancing overall performance and client satisfaction.

Additionally, EOS provides a structured framework that enhances organizational clarity, aligning teams with a shared vision through tools like the Vision/Traction Organizer (V/TO)™.

The Vision/Traction Organizer
By ensuring that the right people are in the right seats and fostering accountability, EOS helps businesses build robust leadership teams and maintain a cohesive, high-performing work environment.
overhead view of two people working on laptops

Understanding the Entrepreneurial Operating System (EOS)

To begin, the Entrepreneurial Operating System is based on the belief that successful businesses are built upon a clear vision, efficient processes, and a healthy culture.

Key components of EOS

EOS consists of six key components: Vision, People, Data, Issues, Process, and Traction. These components work together to provide a holistic approach to running a successful business:

pinwheel infographic

How EOS works

Each component of EOS plays a crucial role in building a strong foundation for success. From defining a clear vision to implementing efficient processes and fostering a culture of accountability, EOS provides a comprehensive framework to align your team, address challenges, and drive sustainable growth.

The first step in implementing EOS is defining a clear and compelling vision for the organization. This involves:

  • Core Values: Define the fundamental beliefs and guiding principles that drive the organization’s culture and behaviors.
  • Core Focus: Identify the specific services, products, or markets that the organization will focus on.
  • 10-Year Target: Visualize where the organization wants to be in ten years and establish long-term goals and aspirations.

Having a well-defined vision provides direction and purpose for the entire organization, aligning everyone toward a common goal.

The success of any organization depends on having the right people in the right seats. The people component of EOS focuses on ensuring the organization has a strong team by:

  • Defining Roles: Clearly define the roles, responsibilities, and accountabilities for each team member, ensuring everyone understands their contribution towards achieving the organization’s goals.
  • Gaining Clarity: Assess if the current team members are the right fit for their roles and make any necessary changes to align the organization’s goals with individual capabilities.
  • Building a Healthy Culture: Foster a culture of trust, open communication, and accountability, promoting collaboration and a positive work environment.

By getting the right people in the right seats and fostering a healthy culture, organizations can build a high-performing team that drives success.

Data-driven decision-making is crucial for achieving success and continuous improvement. The data component of EOS involves:

  • Identifying Key Metrics: Determine the key data points or metrics that are critical to understanding the health and performance of the organization.
  • Implementing Systems: Put in place systems and processes to gather, track, and analyze the identified metrics.
  • Using Data for Improvement: Regularly review and analyze the data to identify trends and areas for improvement, and make informed business decisions.

By leveraging data, organizations can gain insights into their performance, make proactive changes, and drive continuous improvement.

Every organization faces challenges and issues. The issues component of EOS focuses on:

  • Open Communication: Establish an environment where issues can be openly discussed and addressed without fear or judgment.
  • Issue Identification: Identify and clarify the issues hindering the organization’s progress, making sure to differentiate between symptoms and root causes.
  • Issue Solving: Develop a problem-solving mindset, implement processes to address issues effectively, and learn from them to avoid recurrence.

By proactively identifying and solving issues, organizations can maintain momentum, overcome obstacles, and drive progress.

Efficient processes are crucial for maximizing productivity and achieving operational excellence. The process component of EOS involves:

  • Process Documentation: Clearly define and document the core processes and workflows that drive the organization’s operations.
  • Identifying Bottlenecks: Identify any bottlenecks or inefficiencies within the processes and work towards eliminating them.
  • Continuous Improvement: Foster a culture of continuous improvement, where processes are regularly reviewed, refined, and optimized.

By optimizing processes, organizations can improve efficiency, enhance productivity, and deliver consistent results.

Traction involves implementing the disciplines and habits needed to execute the organization’s vision. It includes:

  • Setting clear goals: Establish specific, measurable goals that align with the organization’s vision and define what success looks like.
  • Establishing priorities: Determine the most important tasks, projects, or initiatives that will contribute to achieving the goals.
  • Creating accountability: Hold individuals and teams accountable for delivering on their responsibilities and meeting the established goals.
  • Regularly reviewing progress: Review progress towards goals, assess what’s working and what’s not, and adjust strategies and tactics accordingly.

By staying on track, maintaining focus, and making progress toward the vision, organizations can translate their aspirations into tangible results.

By following the holistic approach of EOS and implementing the six components, organizations can achieve clarity, enhance accountability, streamline operations, and ultimately achieve their long-term goals.

Aligning your team with a shared vision
One of the critical aspects of EOS is aligning your team with a shared vision. Effective alignment ensures that everyone understands, embraces, and contributes to the organization’s goals, values, and priorities.

To get everyone on the same page, you need to:

  1. Clearly communicate the organization’s vision, core values, and core focus to all team members.
  2. Encourage open and transparent communication to foster collaboration and understanding.
  3. Establish regular check-ins to monitor progress, provide feedback, and address any issues.
  4. Create a culture of accountability, where individuals take ownership of their roles and responsibilities.
  5. Ensure that everyone understands their contribution to the overall success of the organization and how it aligns with the vision.

By aligning your team, you can create a cohesive and motivated workforce that is well-equipped to drive the success of your professional service firm.

group of young professionals in a meeting on their laptops

Benefits of running your business on EOS

Implementing EOS in your professional service firm offers numerous benefits that can transform your business and drive sustainable growth.

By leveraging the key components of EOS – Vision, Data, Process, People, Issues, and Traction – you can:

  1. Achieve clarity and focus: Establishing a clear vision and core values helps align your team and create a sense of purpose and direction. This clarity leads to increased focus, enabling your firm to make strategic decisions that drive success.
  2. Improve accountability: EOS fosters a culture of accountability by defining roles and responsibilities, setting clear goals, and implementing regular check-ins. This accountability empowers individuals to take ownership of their work and deliver results.
  3. Drive efficiency and productivity: By streamlining processes, eliminating bottlenecks, and implementing effective systems, EOS helps optimize your firm’s efficiency. Increased productivity allows you to maximize output and deliver exceptional service to clients.
  4. Enhance client satisfaction: EOS emphasizes understanding client needs, integrating feedback, and improving communication. By embracing these principles, you can consistently deliver value and exceed client expectations, leading to higher satisfaction and client retention.
  5. Build a high-performing team: EOS focuses on getting the right people in the right seats within your organization. By aligning individuals with your core values and providing clarity in their roles, you can build a high-performing team that drives the success of your professional service firm.


man on a laptop in a meeting with another person

Creating a Vision/Traction Organizer (V/TO)™

A Vision/Traction Organizer (V/TO)™ is a powerful tool that helps align your team and create a roadmap for achieving your vision. It contains key components such as core values, core focus, 10-year target, three-year picture, one-year plan, and quarterly rocks.

By creating a V/TO, you benefit from:

  • Clear direction: The V/TO provides a concise and visual representation of your firm’s direction. It ensures that every team member understands and can contribute to the shared vision.
  • Focused priorities: The V/TO helps you prioritize your goals and initiatives. By aligning your team around specific quarterly rocks, you ensure that everyone is working towards the same objectives.
  • Accountability and tracking: The V/TO serves as a tool for tracking progress and holding individuals accountable. Regularly reviewing and updating the VTO allows you to adjust your strategies and stay on track.

Defining your core values and core focus

Defining your core values is a critical first step in creating a strong and sustainable foundation for your professional service firm. Core values are the fundamental beliefs and guiding principles that shape the culture and behavior within your organization. By clearly articulating and adhering to these values, your firm can benefit in several ways:

  • Culture and behavior: Core values define the culture and behavior within your firm. When your team members share and embody these values, it creates a cohesive and purpose-driven work environment. It fosters a sense of unity and a common mindset, enabling your team to work together towards a shared vision. By manifesting your core values in day-to-day operations, you can shape a positive and empowering work culture that attracts and retains top talent.
  • Decision-making: Core values serve as a compass that guides decision-making processes. When faced with challenges or opportunities, referring back to your values ensures that decisions align with your overall vision and purpose. Core values provide a framework for evaluating options and making choices that are in line with your firm’s principles and long-term goals. This consistency in decision-making helps maintain focus and integrity, contributing to the overall success of your firm.
  • Client and team alignment: When you communicate your core values, it attracts clients and team members who align with your firm’s beliefs and culture. Clients who resonate with your values are more likely to form strong connections and view your firm as a trusted partner. Similarly, team members who share your core values are more likely to be engaged and motivated, resulting in higher levels of productivity and job satisfaction. The alignment of clients and team members with your core values fosters stronger relationships, enhances collaboration, and ultimately leads to greater overall success.

By defining and living by your core values, your professional service firm can create a strong foundation that supports your growth, aligns your team, and attracts clients who share your vision. The consistent application of these values in your day-to-day operations will help build a strong and sustainable firm that stands out in the marketplace.

Wall of office building with core values on the the wall

Getting the right people in the right seats

One of the most important key factors for a successful organization is having the right people in the right seats. This involves aligning individuals’ skills, capabilities, and passions with their respective roles and responsibilities within the organization. Here’s how you can ensure you have the right people in the right seats:

Role Definition and Accountability

Clearly defining roles and responsibilities is crucial to ensure that each team member understands their specific contribution towards achieving the organization’s goals. Take the time to outline the key responsibilities, expectations, and desired outcomes for each role. This clarity enables individuals to focus on their areas of expertise and empowers them to take ownership of their work.

Here’s how you can establish role definition and accountability within your organization:

  1. Role Clarity: Clearly define the roles and responsibilities for each position within your organization. Outline the key tasks, duties, and accountabilities required for effective performance. This clarity ensures that everyone understands their individual contributions and areas of responsibility.
  2. Authority Levels: Establish authority levels for each role, outlining decision-making capabilities and the boundaries within which individuals can operate. Clearly define who has the final say on specific matters, promoting accountability and avoiding confusion or conflicts.
  3. Key Performance Indicators (KPIs): Develop Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for each role to track and measure performance. KPIs provide objective metrics that help evaluate progress and hold individuals accountable for achieving specific goals and outcomes.
  4. Regular Feedback and Reviews: Implement a system for regular feedback and performance reviews. Offering constructive feedback and recognition helps individuals understand how well they are fulfilling their roles and provides an opportunity for growth and improvement.


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Incorporating a tool like Notion can significantly enhance the process of defining roles and responsibilities within your organization. By utilizing Notion, teams can create dynamic documents that clearly outline each team member’s roles, responsibilities, and key performance indicators (KPIs).

GWC (Get it, Want it, Capacity to do it) Analysis

The GWC (Get it, Want it, Capacity to do it) Analysis is a valuable tool for evaluating whether an individual is a good fit for a specific role within your organization. By assessing these three factors, you can determine if an individual is well-suited and capable of excelling in a particular position:

  1. Get it: The “Get it” factor examines whether an individual intellectually understands the role and its requirements. It assesses the knowledge, skills, and expertise the role demands. Is the individual capable of understanding the intricacies of the role and performing the necessary tasks?
  2. Want it: The “Want it” factor explores whether an individual has a genuine desire for the role. This factor looks at the individual’s level of motivation, passion, and interest in performing the tasks and responsibilities associated with the role. Does the individual have the enthusiasm and commitment to excel in the role?
  3. Capacity to do it: The “Capacity to do it” factor evaluates whether an individual possesses the necessary skills, experience, and capacity to perform the role effectively. It examines whether the individual can deliver the desired outcomes. Does the individual have the required skill set, experience, and capacity to succeed in the role?

By conducting a GWC analysis, you can make informed decisions when it comes to placing individuals in specific roles within your organization. Ensuring that individuals possess the necessary understanding, desire, and capacity for their roles increases the likelihood of success and fosters a workforce that is engaged, motivated, and aligned with the organization’s goals.

Streamlining your organizational processes

The Entrepreneurial Operating System (EOS) provides a comprehensive framework for organizations to streamline their processes and achieve greater efficiency. By implementing EOS methodologies and utilizing the system’s tools and resources, organizations can improve productivity, reduce waste, and enhance client satisfaction. Here’s how EOS can help streamline your organization’s processes:

    1. Identifying Core Processes: With EOS, organizations are encouraged to identify and prioritize their core processes. These are the essential activities that directly impact the delivery of products or services to clients. By focusing on these processes and eliminating non-essential tasks, organizations can streamline their operations and allocate resources more effectively.
    2. Documenting and Standardizing Procedures: EOS emphasizes the importance of documenting and standardizing procedures to ensure consistency and clarity across the organization. By creating a central repository for procedures and guidelines, teams have a clear reference and can follow standardized steps. This documentation and standardization prevent duplication of efforts, reduce errors, and promote accountability.
    3. Implementing Lean and Agile Methodologies: EOS borrows concepts from Lean and Agile methodologies to drive process improvement. Lean principles help identify and eliminate waste in processes, such as unnecessary steps, delays, or defects. Agile methodologies focus on flexibility, continuous improvement, and collaboration, allowing organizations to adapt quickly to market changes and customer needs.
    4. Improving Client Satisfaction: One of the key goals of EOS is to enhance client satisfaction. By streamlining processes, organizations can deliver products or services more efficiently, reducing wait times and addressing client needs effectively. Improved client satisfaction leads to increased loyalty, positive word-of-mouth, and ultimately, a competitive advantage in the market.



We were able to reduce our tech stack by moving our EOS system from Ninety.io into Notion. The custom-built EOS system integrates seamlessly into our Notion ecosystem, which also houses our standard operating procedures, the employee handbook, coaching resources, the company change log, and more. By having a central source of truth, any OTM team member can autonomously find information needed to thrive in their role.

– Jordan Jackson, Sr. Service Delivery Specialist

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Resources for implementing EOS

Within the EOS framework, you can leverage a variety of tools and resources to implement EOS into your organization effectively.

EOS Implementer Directory

The EOS Implementer Directory helps organizations connect with certified EOS Implementers. These professionals guide organizations through the EOS journey, offering expertise and guidance to streamline processes and drive overall organizational success.

Recommended EOS Reading

The EOS book series by Gino Wickman, including “Traction” and “Get A Grip,” provides in-depth guidance on implementing EOS principles. These books offer practical insights and actionable strategies for streamlining processes and enhancing organizational performance.

EOS Software & Apps

EOS software and apps, such as the Online Tools for Teams (OTM), provide practical solutions for implementing EOS methodologies. These tools assist in documenting processes, tracking goals, and fostering effective communication and collaboration among team members.

If you would like more information or assistance with implementing EOS software and apps, contact our CEO, Miles, for a brief consultation. We can provide you with the necessary information and support to onboard you and your team to EOS and help you streamline your processes effectively.

Embrace the power of EOS to transform your professional service business into a well-oiled machine that consistently delivers exceptional value to clients and experiences sustainable growth. Using the detailed sections of this guide, you can unlock the full potential of EOS for your organization and elevate your professional services game.