Marketing data has gotten a pretty bad rap lately. We’re up against companies stealing private user data and using it to market for devious purposes. But, online marketing is still rife with data points that aren’t intrusive, shady or otherwise creepy. And we’re committed to using them, both ethically and to help your business grow.
We wouldn’t even know where to look if we wanted to get data scraped from social media accounts. But we’re experts at using analytics to take a deep dive into your online marketing and ensure you’re getting the best return on your digital advertising dollar.
It’s not creepy, believe me. As OTM’s digital marketing strategy specialist, I sift through all kinds of data to make sure your customers are using your website like we want them to, or that you’re spending your digital budget as effectively as possible. Because we look at this data in aggregate across all your visitors or customers, we can’t identify individual users’ behavior. See? Not creepy.
Don’t take my word for it, though. Here’s the data I look at to optimize the performance of your campaigns:
- AdWords Keyword Data: Are people’s search terms lining up with your products? People use Google in weird and unexpected ways. By excluding certain search terms, I keep your campaigns from wasting money on irrelevant clicks.
- AdWords Click Optimization: What’s your goal with your AdWords campaign? Maximize clicks and traffic to your website? Get top position in sponsored results? Optimize for the number of conversions? I use AdWords and Analytics information to make sure we’re always hitting the mark.
- Analytics Page Data: What’s the path customers take through your site? What are they really looking at when they consider a purchase? What time is your site most active? Once I figure out how people use your page, we can tailor promotions that target your most popular or needed service lines.
- Social Media Data: Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin. All these platforms put your brand in front of an audience. But is it the right audience? If it is, are you using the right tactics?
In short, you won’t find us testifying to Congress or making deals with Russian bot farms with our data. Which is probably what you expect from a marketing company – despite what recent headlines about marketing companies and marketing data may make you think.