You don’t merely want a logo. You want a logo design that instantly connects with your customers, accurately projects your company’s brand and strikes fear into the heart of your competitors. While you may have some great concepts, getting them to play out effectively can be a little difficult, particularly if you don’t know what makes a great logo.
We have you covered on that. OTM’s design and branding team is ready to help you strengthen your concept (or develop a concept) so that your logo does you proud. Here’s what we always consider to make sure you’re getting the best mark for your brand.
Stop. Take Some Time to Think.
Figure out what’s important to you. Your logo can be an incredibly powerful part of your brand, but only if it’s done well. Think about what sets you apart from your competitors, what represents your business culture or values, or what’s unique about you. (Don’t worry if this is daunting! Our brand strategist is great at helping companies define their brand.)
We’d say “simplify, simplify, simplify,” but this is more succinct. The more simple your logo design is, the more easily it’s recognized, and the more easily it’s recognized, the more power it has. Think of the world’s most iconic logos – Nike, Apple, Coca-Cola – and how minimal, elegant and simple they are.
Need a bonus reason for simplification? It’ll still look great in tiny spaces. Like on M&Ms.
Trends Are Not Your Friend.
Fashions come and go but great brands are built to last. Your mark is no different. There are always trends influencing design, but it’s rarely a good idea to hang your brand on them. Not only will you lose any power of differentiation when you’re just one of a million other on-trend marks, when fashions invariably move on, you’re going to look old-fashioned and outdated. I don’t care what your business is. That’s not a good look.
Be Memorable.
A logo that fades from your mind quickly is, frankly, a pretty crummy logo. A lot of the time, this means that your mark might not objectively show what you sell or the service you provide (think of McDonald’s iconic M logo) or even hint at your name (AT&T’s swirling ball logo). Don’t hem yourself in by insisting on a representational mark when something more abstract will be more memorable.
What makes a good logo isn’t easy to pin down – which is why we work with our clients for weeks, doing several revisions and refinements to deliver a mark that suits your business best.