We’ve all seen them – sites with brilliant designs, amazing copy, and a photo taken on a 6-year old digital camera with less resolution than your smartphone. They’re everywhere, and they’re giving up a powerful opportunity to convert prospects into users/buyers/subscribers.
Today, we have millions and millions of photos at our fingertips in the form of royalty-free paid and free photos, illustrations, and incredibly well-priced photography studios. We are exposed to so much quality photography these days between advertising and our friends with digital cameras that poor photos stick out like poor thumbs.
Photos are often the first thing in your website that many people will be drawn to simply due to the fact that they’re larger, and often brighter and sharper than anything else on the site. Our eyes are just drawn to photos.
That means that the first thing they see on your site should be sharper, clearer, and brighter than anything else on your site.
Great photos bring a design and copy all together in a fluid form. To ignore these or not put a decent amount of thought into them is giving up a powerful opportunity to convert a prospect before they even read a word of copy.
If you’re stuck looking for good photos or don’t have any of your own, we recommend looking on a site such as istockphoto.com or 123rf.com. Either of these sites offer royalty-free (use as many times as you want with no later fees) for very reasonable prices.