Old Town Media is a proudly sponsoring one of our long-time clients, The Youth Clinic, in its efforts to raise awareness of Down Syndrome through Genes Day 2018 fundraising events. Genes Day supports World Down Syndrome Awareness Day, observed on March 21 worldwide but throughout the month of March in Northern Colorado.
All proceeds go to IMDSA (International Mosaic Down Syndrome Association). This program is designed to provide support, information and research to any family, individual or professional whose life has been affected by Mosaic Down Syndrome. IMDSA provides a variety of helpful services to meet the need of those impacted such as:
- Emotional Support and Information
- Toll-Free Hotline
- Family Connect Program
- Research Connect Program
Each year, The Youth Clinic’s Genes Day Events are lead by a team affected by Down Syndrome. Leading the 2018 Genes Day celebrations is Team Isabelle. Isabelle Clarkatchley, a 5-year-old from Windsor, Colorado with Down Syndrome, enjoys reading with her mom and watching baseball with her dad. Her friends and family call her the ambassador of smiles. Support Team Isabelle on March 21 by wearing jeans and sporting a ribbon downloadable from The Youth Clinic’s website.
Upcoming Events
Genes Day Sponsored by The Fort Collins Youth Clinic
When: March 21, 2018
Bowl-a-thon and Silent Auction
When: March 25, 2017 from 5:00 to 7:30 p.m.
Where: Chipper’s Lanes on Horsetooth
For more information contact Roxanne Batezel at 970-980-7486 or sensaonline2@yahoo.com.