Facebook is at it again.
According to an article this morning from The Guardian, “Facebook’s latest tweak to its news feed algorithm will squeeze out posts that it sees as “overly promotional” from pages on the social network.”
The change is set to take place at the beginning of 2015 and will affect all pages and brands, regardless of the number of fans or engagement.
According to Facebook, the decision for the change came as a result to a user survey.
“As part of an ongoing survey we asked hundreds of thousands of people how they feel about the content in their News Feeds. People told us they wanted to see more stories from friends and pages they care about, and less promotional content,” explained Facebook in a blog post.
What does this mean for your Facebook business or brand page?
1. Avoid Promotional Content in Posts. While it may seem like the primary reason for your Facebook page, it isn’t going to work anymore. Draw your Facebook audience in with relevant and entertaining content and win your fans over with posts that will actually show up on the Facebook News Feed. Shift promotional efforts to your website.
2. Use Facebook Ads. While Facebook will be hiding more organic promotional posts, the company has not announced a change for Facebook Ads. We recommend setting aside a budget in 2015 to use the paid service to push your promotional material. Facebook Ads don’t have to be expensive – we have clients who run daily ads, as well as on an ‘as-needed’ basis.
3. Push Your Newsletter. Newsletters are one of the best marketing tools you can utilize as a business. Not only can you create beautiful promotional pieces to send out, but you can build a quality list of recipients and have access to detailed analytics. Unlike other promotional efforts, newsletters show content to fans who actually want to see it. 2015 is a great year to start a newsletter campaign – we recommend MailChimp and Constant Contact as user friendly platforms.
Facebook is constantly making changes to its algorithm. At Old Town Media, we never recommend putting too many eggs in the Facebook basket. While it is important to have a online presence across social networks, these platforms are not working for the success of your business, but rather the satisfaction of users.
If Facebook is at the center of your promotional efforts, use 2015 to try something new!
Spice up your marketing with Google AdWords, monthly newsletters or a really awesome blog. Even better, hire a marketing company to do it for you!
Read the full article about this change to Facebook here.