Fort Collins Connexion is a municipal broadband utility that was created by and for the Fort Collins community with the sole purpose of improving life and business through better, more affordable internet. What began as a business plan dating as far back as 2016 was ultimately voted on and approved by the residents of Fort Collins in 2017, and a multi-year construction process began in 2018. In 2021, Connexion partnered with OTM to establish a brand story and messaging, a website, and a multi-phase marketing strategy that would evolve alongside its construction rollout.
- SEO & Inbound Marketing
- Market Positioning & Branding
- Targeted Advertising
- Website Design & Brand Development
- Photography & Videography
Our Approach
Prior to partnering with OTM in 2021, Connexion had taken a conservative approach to marketing as the fiber internet service was not yet readily available to most home and business owners in the community. In this early phase of construction, Connexion faced a unique challenge: it needed to have enough top-of-mind awareness to gain community support for when service became available, but only select areas of the community had access to sign up at any given point in time.
In 2023 alone, we saw the following results (compared to 2022):
Increase in Engagement Rate on Their Residential Services Page
Increase in Website Conversions
Increase in CTR on LinkedIn Ads
Moving into 2022 and 2023, the construction process continued to pose challenges for targeted marketing efforts. Service availability was becoming more widespread, but internet was still not yet available to all Fort Collins households and businesses.
Decrease in Cost per Click on LinkedIn Ads
Increase in Impressions on Facebook and Instagram Ads
As Connexion advances into its final phase of construction in 2024, service availability will expand to reach all of Fort Collins and our ongoing marketing strategy is poised to adjust as well.
Increase in Landing Page Views on Facebook and Instagram Ads
Our efforts will transition to focus on increasing conversion rates and decreasing customer acquisition costs.
In partnership with Fort Collins Connexion since 2021, our journey has propelled the municipal broadband utility through its various construction rollout phases. Our tailored strategies align with Connexion’s mission to enhance life and business in Fort Collins through improved and affordable internet during each stage of construction. Together, we forge a path toward a more connected and vibrant digital future in the Fort Collins community.